Manilyn Marcelo

Recruitment Specialist

She has over 12 years of experience in the BPO industry, she has built a career marked by versatility and dedication. Beginning as a Customer Service Representative, Manilyn quickly progressed to the role of New Hire Trainer, where she honed her leadership and mentoring skills.

When the pandemic shifted work dynamics, Manilyn seamlessly transitioned to a remote environment, taking on the role of Recruitment Specialist in a fast-paced company. In this capacity, she leverages her expertise to identify top talent and drive recruitment initiatives in an ever-evolving landscape.

Manilyn thrives in collaborative environments and has a passion for working with diverse teams. Her ability to multitask effectively, coupled with a strong work ethic, has consistently enabled her to deliver high-quality results. She is dedicated to exceeding expectations and contributing positively to any team or project she is involved in. Manilyn is eager to bring her wealth of experience and dedication to the team, contributing positively and exceeding expectations every step of the way.
